Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fall Leaves And Berries

I've lost many things,
my way unfound,
but never far from hand
that which I love.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Our House

In front of the door 
sits a large grey cat with topaz eyes.
It has no intentions of moving.

Behind the cat 
stands a small white house
with a door the color of jade
guarded by the large grey cat.

In front of the house 
grows a tall tree. 
At its feet 
lay the amber leaves of Fall.

Inside the house 
before the smoldering hearth 
with ruby coals
sleeps a brindle dog with eyes of onyx.

Beside the dog 
a spinning wheel rests
wound with flaxen thread
twisted in vermeil.

Behind the house 
the sun sets in a sapphire sky 
streaked in turquoise, copper, 
and an unearthly rose.

Beneath the window 
before the sky
sits a bed piled with pillows 
covered in dreams
topped by the large grey cat
with topaz eyes.

Outside the window
in a garden of peridot green
grow potatoes, pearls of the earth.

In this garden perches the lapis jay
watched by those topaz eyes.

Beyond all this
upon the sea
flows a shimmering path of gold.
